Back pain, morning sickness, fatigue, hunger — it’s hard to know exactly what to expect when you’re expecting. Your teeth may seem secondary to the stereotypical symptoms, but they matter more than you realize. What you need to know to keep your smile glowing throughout your … [Read more...]
Emergency Preparedness for Your Dental Office
Only 46% of small businesses have a plan that covers business operations in bad weather, according to a survey from Traveler’s Insurance. When severe weather hits, it can be a logistical nightmare for any dentist office. … [Read more...]
Dental Insurance 102 [INFOGRAPHIC]
Our dental insurance series continues! Once you’ve mastered the basics through our 101 Infographic, you’re ready to learn more! Click to view larger image. Don't stop learning! Continue onto our Insurance 103 Infographic to find out how your EOB works. Still confused? … [Read more...]
Get Ready to Rock and Enroll: 5 Ways to Prepare for Open Enrollment
Open enrollment. It’s the term buzzing around your HR department this time of year. But what does it mean? And how does it affect you as an employee? … [Read more...]
Tips for Dentists: How to Check Patient Benefits and Eligibility
Did you know that Delta Dental of Wyoming offers an easy way to check your patient’s benefits and eligibility? … [Read more...]