Wyoming is home to some of the nation’s best skiing. Whether you’re a ripper or newbie, keep your smile safe on the slopes. Safely shred the “gnar pow,” with these tips:
• Slalom Racers
Slalom racers move between gates at high speeds. To cut time, athletes take close turns and hit the poles/gates. Chin guards keep athletes’ faces safe, making them an important piece of protective gear for the face and mouth.
• Freestylers
Freestylers live to hit the rails or catch big air in the park, and need as much oral protection as slalom racers. Since teeth can exert pressure that is equivalent to 500 pounds per square inch while clenching, just think of the amount of pressure freestylers experience. Using a mouthguard can help prevent cracked teeth.
• Lodgers
For lodgers, staying cozy with cocoa and cocktails in hand, is all in a days work. To keep that socializing smile bright, opt for lighter drinks to prevent staining.
If you’re headed up to Jackson Hole or Hogadon anytime soon, protect your smile. Use proper gear and stay warm with a chili when you head down the hill.